Rosanna Faber

  • donated 2022-01-29 18:39:46 -0600


    $625.00 raised
    GOAL: $3,600.00

    Donations to the South Metro Airport Action Council, a 501(c)(4) organization, of $15 or more include annual Membership dues for the fiscal year and dues paid using the "JOIN" button or otherwise are a donation.  For persons who are new contributors --not 2021 Members --your donation of $15 (or $18 because of processing cost via PayPal) after October 1st are for Membership for next year. 

    Board of Directors Message: Our By-Laws hold that Donations include Membership dues for the current year and a vote at the Annual Meeting and to run for the election as a Director. Also, management is organized by function and projects, led by a Member or Members (usually a Director) with fiscal responsibility (a budget). In summary, we want donors and volunteers to have a say about our activities and goals (and a vote to elect the Board). Thank for your contributions of time and dollars!

