CARES Grant $ for COVID-19 Study



"Senior leadership of the MAC" as the MAC media spokesman, Pat Hogan, calls them, reversed course or never intended to discuss operational details or environmental impacts matters with SMAAC --or with other organized noise and pollution from overflights protestors.

That is the State government's and the general public's loss because truly important observations, facts, Reports and ideas are often overlooked or rejected for not coinciding with the airline-aviation industry's wants or demands. Anyway, MAC and Met Council appointments were not the first to be considered by Governor Walz, who knew of SMAAC from the House Transportation Committee and that we had rated 5CD candidates in the 2018 election.

As our concern this year is how well and how fairly will MSP restore air service in the "economic recovery." Chair King met with me just after he was elevated to MAC Chair in the context that most existing plans for MSP after the CRO/max hourly rate safety order was digested were upset by the virus. "Everyone" was concerned about pubic health workers, essential services jobs and if the economic costs expected could be controlled.MSP applied for a CRAES Act Grant and $125 million was alloted in April.

I said that there were winner and loser airports and airlines after 9/11 and after the recession and that the recent CRO Safety Order made a "V-shaped" recovery of air services passenger counts at both MSP and across the Nation was not likely based on history. And I said, public health and safety and environmental protection (continued global warming) from overflights and MSP operations is a high unknown cost and who avoids or pays for that cost is an unanswered but extremely important question affecting Metro economic recovery and future growth.

SMAAC's suggestion to "quantify the TC Metro part of the high unknown cost" (using a small part of the 2020 CARES Act grant) seemed well received in September: Thank you emails from Chair King and OFA Chair Monaco. Director Ryks asking CFO Saeed to contact SMAAC, and mention in two news articles the next day.

As a courtesy, I copied Hogan and King on a message answering one reporters question and they messaged back; King said the CFO was too busy to keep his commitment to call us back; Hogan said I had "given incorrect information" to the reporter "as usual" including a well-established mention that new (2010-2011) routes --turning North departing MSP Runway 30R --passing over South Minneapolis now for 8 years or more and exposing residents and workers to new noise and pollution (almost exactly the conditions warned about as health risks by the 2010 WHO Warning). Hogan, I think, was misinformed by a MAC employee who may have misunderstood the question as about current operations so intent to defame was arguably missing; the "as usual" part, not so much. 


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