The SMAAC Memberships are Annual mostly, $15 per person (Voter at the Annual Meeting, and able to be elected to the Board of Directors or selected to Chair a committee that has a budget applied by the Board.
- Two-year initial sign-up benefit. If joining within 10 weeks before or at an Annual Meeting, you remain eligible to vote at the next Annual Meeting as well. [Annual Meetings often are before January 1st, combined with a Forum, or postponed. Membership is Annual Meeting to Annual Meeting, but the fiscal year is December 1st to November 30.]
- Life-time Membership is awarded to generous contributors by Board action.
- Family Membership (One year, $25 or more) encourages activity by two members of a family, such as both working on a committee.
- Advance dues, serving or a committee; loans of equipment or space; or travel on SMAAC business should allow voting at an annual meeting. Volunteering is important.
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