
Whereas the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 and its implementing regulation, 14 CFR Part 161, provide for a process to obtain FAA approval of local airport noise and access restrictions; 

Whereas, the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport’s (MSP) small size, urban setting and wind and weather patterns limit safe flight capacity; and

Whereas, the MSP needed capacity, runway design, costs, and compatibility with land use and environmental regulations were determined in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) issued by the Federal Aviation Administration in September 1998.

Now, therefore, the undersigned (including those signing on-line) hereby petition the following entities as set forth below:

The City of Minneapolis and other municipalities around MSP, considering how overflights affect resident health and quality of life, and how developments may be limited or aided by MSP operations, should:

  1. Withdraw from the MSP Noise Oversight Committee unless (a) a new noise analysis that considers health risk studies is completed and (b) the near-favoring, noise-abating departure procedures and gradual approaches  defined in the FEIS and ROD and MSP Noise Compatibility Plans circa 1999 are reinstated.

  2. Enlist Commissioners representing residents and Mayors to reform Commission policies regarding community and state noise and land-use standards so that community-expressed needs for safe, sufficient, and affordable air transportation services are met without obtrusive or unsafe overflights

The State of Minnesota, through executive actions and appointments or legislation, should: 

  1. Assure that air service needs are properly forecast and that the long-term costs of airport capital projects and operations (including fares and fees for local travelers) do not impede or prevent the economic developments included in the need forecast.

  2. Require and oversee public hearings and independent determinations of fact regarding environmental impacts, including noise and air pollution, and the economic need for and effects of capital and operational costs on local (origin and destination) passengers.

 The Federal government, in fulfilling its responsibility for public health and safety, should:

  1. Replace the Integrated Noise Model (INM) and annual-average forecast day-night level (DNL) with a more reliable and predictive standard by September 30, 2014.

  2. Direct the FAA to more frequently exercise its authority to direct flights for noise reduction and related health and safety benefits until more predictive standards are developed.

  3. Make conservative safety adjustments to airspace management plans and airport rules and procedures that are consistent with current air traffic systems and aircraft capabilities and discontinue efforts to operate as often as possible at minimum intervals between flights.

  4. Assure that automated flights and satellite-based surveillance systems are functional, reliable, and fully deployed for airport air traffic control,  and that that aircraft are properly equipped and air crews properly trained and rested prior to a change-over to PBN routes or other flight automation near airports.

  5. Reconsider all US flight routes and schedules to more effectively use existing airport capacity and reduce fuel burn associated with city-hub-city and other multi-leg air travel that increases the distance traveled (compared to more direct routes) or increases airport operations per passenger transported.
157 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 131 reactions

  • Joe Schweigert
    signed via 2018-08-03 09:28:27 -0500
  • Brynn Patterson
    signed 2016-09-25 19:57:25 -0500
    Brynn Patterson
  • Andrew Carter
    signed 2016-09-12 15:43:58 -0500
  • Karin Rasmusen
    signed 2015-07-25 10:18:41 -0500
  • Mary Kubik
    signed 2015-05-27 19:55:22 -0500
    The planes have been terrible lately. (Today is May 27, 2015.) They drive me inside and still are loud. We need relief.
  • Anonymous
    signed 2014-07-27 19:58:22 -0500
  • Forum Manager
    signed 2014-07-20 13:38:53 -0500
    Although we experience fewer overflights than we had years ago when our duplex was insulated and air conditioned with nearly $100,000 of local passengers’ money, arrivals are lower and louder and departures more varied since the changes were made in flight paths in 2011-12.

    The flights also interfere with Minneapolis wi-fi and broadcast TV to an annoying level. My engineer spouse says this is caused by digital signals being re-synched after being reflected off a passing airliner and then not.
  • Lori Patterson
    signed via 2014-07-16 16:17:24 -0500
    I live directly under one of the flight paths. The noise here is debilitating and, at several times during the day, unrelenting. Flight departures begin as early as 5:00 am and continue until 11:15 pm or later. There have been flights at 1:30 am and even 4:15 am. There is no way to get a solid night’s sleep. Every morning, mid day and end of day we are assaulted by flights departing every 30-90 seconds, with fairly constant noise all of the other times of the day. It interrupts our sleep and disrupts our day on a constant basis. Our sanity and health is being destroyed by the continual din of airport noise.
  • Tim Bonham
    signed 2014-06-16 14:30:34 -0500
  • Jennifer Edwards
    signed 2014-06-15 17:03:38 -0500
  • Kent Cutkomp
    signed 2014-03-21 21:56:21 -0500
  • Stevens
    signed 2014-03-12 09:50:52 -0500
    This is important!! Sign it.
  • Virginia Hefty
    signed 2014-03-08 23:50:21 -0600
  • Elizabeth Taylor
    signed 2014-02-28 12:04:18 -0600
  • Gene Spanos
    signed 2014-02-24 11:01:53 -0600
    The impacted families of the community of Park Ridge supports

    in seeing that they too achieve their fly quiet goals and more…..
  • Sheryl Furness
    signed 2014-02-20 20:42:15 -0600
  • Jeanine Malec
    signed 2014-02-19 12:22:30 -0600
  • Wood
    signed 2014-02-17 19:41:51 -0600
  • Barb Gonsior
    signed 2014-02-15 17:32:22 -0600
  • John Dillery
    signed 2014-02-15 14:24:46 -0600
    I regret that your petition does not look beyond just aviation. There should be something about the federal and state governments’ being directed to invest more in high speed ground transportation, that’s right, passenger trains. They will be a key to our success in reducing the number of flights. The shorter distance flights that is.
  • John Carroll
    signed 2014-02-15 12:02:10 -0600
  • Anonymous
    signed 2014-02-14 16:28:07 -0600
  • Rick Lackner
    signed 2014-02-13 20:41:20 -0600
  • Jeff Wineke
    signed 2014-02-13 20:19:54 -0600
  • Anonymous
    signed 2014-02-13 18:04:49 -0600
    Our family moved away from South Minneapolis because of the jet noise in 1985. We did research in that neighborhood that strongly supported residents’ experiencing health problems due to the noise.
  • Rob Have
    signed 2014-02-12 11:23:17 -0600
    I am NOT an attorney. While I appreciate the drafting of this petition; after reading the document several times I am saddened because I am not certain it clearly communicates one very important message. That being, we want to share the airways across all of the Twin Cities. We DO NOT want the designated airways proposed as a part of the RNAV law. I live in a beautiful moderately priced neighborhood in Edina. If RNAV is enacted, my neighborhood will become an undesirable “airway” ghetto. PLEASE do not allow that to happen!!!
  • Anonymous
    signed 2014-02-12 09:32:55 -0600
  • David Elverhoy
    signed 2014-02-12 08:30:58 -0600
  • Kari DeMars
    signed 2014-02-12 05:30:36 -0600
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-02-11 23:02:47 -0600
    Sign the petition: Petition