Three Jobs

Analysis Center

        In 2010, the World Health Organization warned that air pollution from busy airports and military bases increased health and mortality risks out to 10 miles from the runways. This was based on comparing the risk statistics of comparable populations near an airport to those further away. FLU, SARS, COVID, and lung cancer were more often diagnosed near runways used for daily jet operations. Along with other citizen organizations and a few airport sponsors, SMAAC asked the House Transportation Committee to investigate (contract studies).  At 10 miles from a runway end, a jumbo jet is at least 2,500 feet high and often higher, usually unnoticed by noise made and never frequent enough to exceed 50 DNL. An airport is a public health risk and high runway-use rates are a public safety risk; both including climate change.


        In 2020, with little or no direct public input, the MAC announced its goal was "a thriving major hub" at MSP airport. The Noise Oversight Committee did not disagree, nor did the cities and agencies observing the Stakeholder Advisory Panel plan to expand hourly flights and terminal space and amenities.   

Web Upkeep.

        Events --public meetings, Forums, other projects --often need some web design and organization. Each site needs a Webmaster and aides for set up and technical/host isue resolution.

        Writers --some webpages are part of planned projects (examples: an answer to a candidate survey or guest essay) and the author assigned to write, post, and manage web pages, or moderate them, often needs administrative status (trusted by he Board) 




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