Important DFL Caucus Resolutions

Please review the attached forms and introduce them at your DFL precinct caucus. If you are not attending the DFL Caucus, but are concerned about proper Legislative procedures --not secret deals negotiated by Party leaders or lobbies --take the Open Government and Climate Change Resolution to other caucuses and ask your State Legislature and Congressional District candidates:

If they knew of the MetC and MAC Charter Changes or the misuse of Airport Revenues and other Federal grants --not legally spent or shared according to an approved Long-Term Plan since 2014?

If they intend to reinstate laws to separate the Administrative, Policy-making, and Judicial powers. in the Constitution(s)?

If they intend to wait indefinitely to slow climate change, pollution, and public health and safety risks associated with hub airport routes and schedules when these risks could be reduced 20% by changes in en route National Airspace System management?

Thank you for your attention. Please take advantage of NEWS BLOG: Add a Comment; Ask your Legislator about the issues; Encourage them and others to comment.



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  • Jim Spensley
    commented 2024-07-20 14:33:26 -0500
    A State Legislator told me that “End of session Conferences between the Republican House and Democratic Senate leaders were tough, driven by deadlines and priorities.” The similar MAC (2019) and MetC (2021) Charter changes “anticipated” Federal program finance coordination or policy changes later. This confirmation of policies and budgets to be referred to Federal agencies and Congress only amplified the vastly different party regulation intentions.
  • Jim Spensley
    commented 2024-06-22 15:48:42 -0500
    These resolutions were forwarded by about 15 precinct caucuses and will be used by several campaigns. But they didn’t make it into the State DFL Platform. Nevertheless, the principles of accountability to the public, open government, and climate change responsibility are democratic and important. Candidates at every level either recognize these public needs or some business or selfish interest
  • Smaac Forum Panel
    commented 2024-03-28 22:25:59 -0500
    Both Resolutions passed at enough precincts to be considered further and reach the Sata Platform Committee.
  • s barnes
    followed this page 2024-02-15 10:35:01 -0600
  • Smaac Forum Panel
    commented 2024-01-20 14:38:07 -0600
    Please attend caucuses and introduce the two Resolutions about MetC and MAC. One asks that the Legislature and Congress unwind deals that slowed and hid attention to aviation public health, safety and environmental policies. The resolution relates to how the MAC sidestepped laws that assigned planning and funding of Capital Improvement Projects. MAC (in 2020 MN Law) and MetC (in 2022 MN Law) were excused from open planning and legislative review —and nobody seems to know the bills’ origins. The other asks that the State separate noise complaints and mitigations from environmental impact statements. The FAA did not renew the MSP Airport’s CFR 14 Part 150 Noise Mitigation Plan in 2000 and the FAA was not a party to the class-action lawsuit or its settlement in 2006. Due to a serious accident in 2005, MSP long-term comprehensive plans were delayed, and due to a serious event in 2010, delayed again. As of 2014, no LTCP has been approved and as of 2020 no LTCP has been required. MAC stopped reporting the environmental impacts of flights using the 7 Metro Airports although there are more flights each year, almost all lower. If MAC and MetC no longer report or manage EAW/EIS for major operations, MN Law seems to assign the MPCA that responsibility, but no funding has been requested of or appropriated by the State Legislature.
  • Smaac Forum Panel
    published this page in 2024 News Blog 2024-01-19 14:38:57 -0600