Jim Spensley commented on LTCP Survey Results 2019-11-01 15:08:02 -0500The Survey responses suggesting a social media campaign and platform resolutions at the February 2020 Precinct Caucuses make sense together. A Sample resolution has been drafted. We’re going to post it as a text file in several places for downloading (different platforms and different sponsors to keep track of the forwards, re-tweets, and shares).
Or you can post here and share that!
Stand by. Soon there will be a link to the draft
The Board is contacting several nice people who suggested using social media to start the ball rolling. Some will write their own resolution, we hope, candidates included if they want —the Sample isn’t very catchy.
Shortly – after we update the list —we will upload the Draft Resoultion file to Mail Chimp and circulate the link in an all-contacts email —and here.
Happy Haunting,
Jim Spensley commented on About 2019-09-28 17:54:32 -0500Many thnnks to the respondents. We published a new page on the CRO situation. We hope cities and agencies appointed to the LTCP “Stakeholder’s Advisory Panel” are relentless about safety and climate change costs being considered; the airline appointees will be relentless about excluding environmental impacts (increased GHG emissions from closely-scheduled operations) and slow to commit to using new (different) aircraft and upgraded avionics for safety.
Who are the MSP "Stakeholders?
0The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) set up a Stakeholder Engagement Department and a Stakeholder's Advisory Panel on the MSP Long-Term Comprehensive Plan (LTCP). The Panel is dominated by airlines and others doing business with the MAC, a few city members --seasoned for servile cooperation by noise oversight committee routine --and a handful of government agencies and NGOs. No public or neighborhood panelists.
Several public engagement events are planned to "inform citizens" about the LTCP progress and "listen to comments." If you've been there and done that, were your comments used in any way? The events focus on various parts of the LTCP, but are not yet scheduled.
A few years ago, to impress the Legislature and the Governor, an MSP Vision Statement and Strategic Plan for a well-appointed and expensive destination airport --serving passengers with daily Delta flights to places Minnesotans and most destination passengers visit less than once a month. The slickly presented Strategic Plan was apparently considered safe and healthy enough, although this wasn't mentioned.
It's clear the Converging Runway Operations (CRO) delay was used to submerge the MSP 2014 Long-Term Comprehensive Plan (LTCP) Update and at least the 2017-20 capital projects, floating long-term goals without revealing details to the public directly or to the Met Council and Legislature formally, for appropriate economic growth forecast (O&D passenger use of MSP), financial, or environmental review.
The CRO details now --stiffer safety-at-peak-hours restrictions --will:
- be more to Delta's competitive benefit;
- increase fares to pay airline fees;
- increase total noise;
- use PBN/RNAV route and limit vertical-approach technology to plan arrival rates;
- increase air pollution per flight with a greater GHG and overall pollution volume as passengers increase.
A MAC staff opinion is that the Minnesota Legislature intended that the MAC defer off-site public health and environmental impact statements to the FAA/EPA. The FAA doesn’t do EAWs at specific airports. Neither MPCA or MAC is responsible for EAW/EIS or public health studies of flight operations. It appears the Evironmental Quality Board has endowed MAC with EAW authority for capital projects and immunized them against appeals.
A second assumption is that the small site will remain safe enough even if average hourly use increases to the annuaized equivalent of 800,000 to 1 million operations per year and 60 million passengers. That being the case --without a serious accident --the costs will be 3 or 4 times higher than moving to a larger site in 2001 would have been and 2 or 3 times the cost of building a second airport. now. All of these 3 options are a risky capital investment as airline demand is fickle, not promised: airlines fail financially, real air travel demand is fare and service dependent, and the public may demand a lower public health and safety risk or more attention to GHG releases and global warming.
Aren't those assumptions worth consideration in developing the LTCP? We think so. Drafting a plan for 18 months to be considered for 18 minutes in its only pubic hearing seems less transparent and informative than it should be considering the projected cost over 20 years.
Donations to the South Metro Airport Action Council, a 501(c)(4) organization, of $15 or more include annual Membership dues for the fiscal year and dues paid using the "JOIN" button or otherwise are a donation. For persons who are new contributors --not 2021 Members --your donation of $15 (or $18 because of processing cost via PayPal) after October 1st are for Membership for next year.
Board of Directors Message: Our By-Laws hold that Donations include Membership dues for the current year and a vote at the Annual Meeting and to run for the election as a Director. Also, management is organized by function and projects, led by a Member or Members (usually a Director) with fiscal responsibility (a budget). In summary, we want donors and volunteers to have a say about our activities and goals (and a vote to elect the Board). Thank for your contributions of time and dollars!
Jim Spensley
Retired systems engineer. Activist. Environmentalist.
President of the South Metro Airport Action Council
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